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ADCA Set 1

1 / 100

What kind if memory is both static and non-volatile.

2 / 100

Which is not a basic function of a computer?

3 / 100

In tally how many predefined ledgers are available?

4 / 100

How many colors separation do we have in CorelDraw?

5 / 100

How many color modes are there in photoshop?

6 / 100

In the tally software, which one of the following directories stores all data entered by used.

7 / 100

From which type of printer we can easily graphics charts drawing text and photos ?

8 / 100

The long item assets that have no physical existence but are rights that have value is known as

9 / 100

Amount of goods withdrawn by the proprietor for his private or personal use is termed.

10 / 100

If you press…………… the cell accept your typing as its contents.

11 / 100

In M.S word ctrl + s is for

12 / 100

Minimum font size is ………

13 / 100

A purchase of machine for cash should be debited to.

14 / 100

To short cut key to activate calculator is

15 / 100

In page maker we can create the border automatically around the object by using…………option from utilities > plug-ins.

16 / 100

Tally number of ledger Groups entries etc. can be shown from

17 / 100

The shortcut key of text wrap is …… in PageMaker.

18 / 100

The first computer language developed was.

19 / 100

Internal common is Dos are.

20 / 100

Which of the following types of printing is the highest quality printing system.

21 / 100

The shortcut key of place command is

22 / 100

what is the full form of TCS?

23 / 100

Which of the following translate a program written in Assembly language into machine code ?

24 / 100

who is called a supervisor of computer activity?

25 / 100

Which of the following is not a palette in PageMaker ?

26 / 100

The sub menu available for voucher entry in tally is.

27 / 100

Which function in excel tells how many numeric entries are there?

28 / 100

Recently deleted files are stored in

29 / 100

CorelDraw is a……………….. based drawing application in package.

30 / 100

In tally manufacturing expenses comes under in which group

31 / 100

Gif stands for…………...

32 / 100

Tally shortcut for debit note & credit note

33 / 100

In the general the financial year from.

34 / 100

Recording of actual stocks as physically verified for or counted is done through.

35 / 100

While exporting ledgers from tally to web page we use

36 / 100

Which of the following commands should you always use before submitting a document to others ?

37 / 100

Balance sheet display…………….

38 / 100

Which of the following is not followed in Capital budgeting

39 / 100

I want company data two financial years from company in to menus possible by selecting the option.

40 / 100

What is the function of ctrl + b in M.s word ?

41 / 100

Which one of the following is not a computer language?

42 / 100

Return of Investment ratio (ROI)

43 / 100

The type or Branch of accounting that generates
Report for the use of external parties such as Credits investors and government agencies Known as.

44 / 100

Jpeg stand for………

45 / 100

Which symbol must all formula with ?

46 / 100

Those liabilities which are payable within a year are called.

47 / 100

Allow components list details (Bills of materials ) option is activated for.

48 / 100

For expert of data from company to company tally

49 / 100

Data folder of a company consist of

50 / 100

Which option is used to open exiting company in tally?

51 / 100

The sales income (credit and cash) of a business during a given period is called

52 / 100

Which of the following is used to access programs installed on computer.

53 / 100

Work area on which computer windows icon. Menus and dialog box appear is called.

54 / 100

An account used to determine the carrying or net value of another account is known as

55 / 100

All of the followings are examples of storage device except.

56 / 100

Which of the following is a communication device?

57 / 100

Optional voucher is ………………………

58 / 100

Which tools is used for cropping in coral draw?

59 / 100

What is file extension is photoshop?

60 / 100

Bios stand for ……………

61 / 100

For what work photoshop is used?

62 / 100

PageMaker us English option is related to …… .

63 / 100

Which printers is the cheapest in terms or price and operating cost.

64 / 100

These liabilities which are payable within a year are called

65 / 100

How may inbuilt accounts group are in tally by default?

66 / 100

In a T. account the balance is equal to

67 / 100

How many maximum steps we can undo in photoshop?

68 / 100

Credit voucher is prepared for…………..

69 / 100

which short cut is used for date period change in tally ?

70 / 100

Clouds motion blur, ocean. Ripple and plastic wrap are all examples of that can be used in your graphics design.

71 / 100

which one of the following is not a nominal

72 / 100

Which one of the following is valuation (or contra) account ?

73 / 100

Use alt +f8 for……………

74 / 100

Two mutually exclusive projects with different economic lives can be compared on the basis of.

75 / 100

Budgets represents………………….

76 / 100

which one of the following is an Internet transaction ?

77 / 100

The quickest way to create a PowerPoint presentation is to use the.

78 / 100

Computer files can exist in folders but folders cannot exists in a.

79 / 100

Which shortcut is used for calculator in tally.

80 / 100

How many types of companies an be created in tally?

81 / 100

The system unit of a personal typically contains all of following except.

82 / 100

There are…………type of leading method in PageMaker.

83 / 100

which one of the following is not a real account ?

84 / 100

An excel workbook is a collect of

85 / 100

The short cut key to select the arrow pointer
tools is ……… .

86 / 100

They shortcut key to create ledgers and stock item is.

87 / 100

To use dr/cr instead of to/by during voucher entry press

88 / 100

Closing stock appears in ………………..

89 / 100

Which tools is used to light the pixels of the image in photoshop

90 / 100

Which of the following is not a font style?

91 / 100

What feature help you to inserts the contains of the clipboard as text without any formatting in M.s word ?

92 / 100

We can import graphics through …………… option.

93 / 100

A list of account names used in general ledger of an organization is known as

94 / 100

How many selection tools are there in photoshop?

95 / 100

To print a voucher from tally we need to press

96 / 100

The name of areas that include the color swatches layers and tool box

97 / 100

Balance sheets are prepared.

98 / 100

Bitmap image are made up of.

99 / 100

The primary purpose of an operating system is.

100 / 100

TDS deduction entry can be made through.

Your score is

The average score is 38%


ADCA Set 2

1 / 75

1. Connecting website to backend servers, processing data and controlling behaviour of higher layers, all these things are done by:
वेबसाइट को बैकएंड सर्वर से जोड़ना, डेटा को प्रोसेस करना और उच्च लेयरों के व्यवहार को नियन्त्रित करना, ये सभी चीजें किसके द्वारा की जाती

2 / 75

2. A …………………… is a graduated blend of two or more colours

3 / 75

3. ______ फंक्शन एक पिन को इनपुट या आउटपुट के रूप में कॉन्फ़िगर करता है |

4 / 75

4. Salary account comes under which group

5 / 75

5. Which exporting ledgers form tally to web page , we use

6 / 75

6. In pagemaker US English option is related to ……………………

7 / 75

7. The shortcut key used to view report in detailed format in tally is

8 / 75

8. To make your website more friendly, you can make your websites
अपनी वेबसाइट को मोबाइल फेन्डली बनाने के लिए आप अपनी वेबसाइट को बना सकते है।

9 / 75

9. Which option is true for viewing profit & loss account in gateway of tally ?

10 / 75

10. Which of these software is using the gradient tool

11 / 75

11. Full form of dpi

12 / 75

12. The shortcut key is used to select configure in tally is

13 / 75

13. Which one of these formats is not an image format

14 / 75


KYC का पूरा नाम क्या है?

15 / 75

15. To create purchase order press

16 / 75

16. A colour you apply to the inside of an ob ject is called

17 / 75

17. Recording of actual stock as physically verified or counted is done through ?

18 / 75

18. Where do we record all type of adjusting entries in tally

19 / 75

19. The shortcut key of text wrap is …………….. in pagemaker

20 / 75

20. For reconciliation of bank press

21 / 75

21. “ Alias “ represents

22 / 75

22. To get auto contrast option in photoshop , select

23 / 75

23. Non – process inks that are manufactured by companies are called as

24 / 75

24. In pagemakeer , we can create the border automatically around the object by using ………. Option from utilities > Pluging ?

25 / 75

25. Tally shortcut for debit note & credit note

26 / 75

26. How many types of companies an be created in tally

27 / 75

27. The preferred print resolution is ………………….. DPI

28 / 75

28. To get stroke option in photoshop , we have to select

29 / 75

29. From which type of printer we can easily print graphs , chart , drawing , text and photos

30 / 75

30. There are ……………. Type of new view in control palette

31 / 75

31. Coreldraw is a …............... based drawing application package

32 / 75

32. Which tool is used to select a similar pixels

33 / 75

33. The short cut key to create ledger and stock item is

34 / 75

34. ……………. Images consist of pixels created in a program such as adobe photoshop

35 / 75

35. In tally which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one bank to another ?

36 / 75

36. The zoom tool is used for

37 / 75

37. If you have a solid color to select and delete , the tool is the quickest and most effective

38 / 75

38. Which of these formats supports transparency

39 / 75

39. Shortcut key cancelling a voucher in tally……..

40 / 75

40. In coral draw the keyboard shortcut to save your drawing is……..

41 / 75

41. The shortcut key of place command is

42 / 75

42. Which option is used to view trial balance from Gateway of tally

43 / 75

43. How can we alter purchase order/ sales order in tally

44 / 75

44. Which of the following the use of programs that are executed based on user interaction with a web page is referred to as: small
वेब पेज के साथ यूजर इन्टरेक्शन के आधार पर निष्पादित किए जाने वाले छोटे प्रोग्रामों के निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा उपयोग कहलाता है।

45 / 75

45. In tally , manufacturing expenses come under in which group

46 / 75

46. Server side scripting websites consists of two main parts, one is scripting languages and other is:
सर्वर साइड स्क्रिप्टिंग वेबसाइटो में दो मुख्य भाग होते है, एक स्किप्टिंग भाषा और दूसरा है:

47 / 75

47. ………. Function key is used to activate debit note voucher and credit note voucher ?

48 / 75

48. In tally there are …………………… number of predefined ledgers

49 / 75

49. The shortcut key for altering ledger in tally is

50 / 75

50. Server side scripts is:
सर्वर साइड स्क्रिप्टस है

51 / 75

51. In the tally software , which one of the following directories stores all data entered by user ?

52 / 75

52. We can import graphics through ……………….. option

53 / 75

53. ………… is the function key for changing current date in tally ERP9

54 / 75

54. Voucher used to record credit purchase of goods …………..

55 / 75

55. What is the default paper type / size when you open coreldraw windows

56 / 75

56. In tally how many prededined ledgers are available

57 / 75

57. Who send the requisition for web pages to the web servers?
वेब पेजो के लिए वेब सर्वर को रिक्वेस्ट कौन भेजता है।

58 / 75

58. Tally package is developed by

59 / 75

59. A set of two document pages that face each other can be termed as

60 / 75

60. What is the full form of RGB

61 / 75

61. Which of the following voucher type is not used to record transition In tally ?

62 / 75

62. Which key is used for the shortcut key to combining the selected objects

63 / 75

63. How to activate calculator in tally ERP9

64 / 75

64. What is the full of TCS

65 / 75

65. Right option to change company information ………

66 / 75

66. Use Alt + F8 for

67 / 75

67. Stock cut key for single ledger creation

68 / 75

68. The short cut key to quit form tally

69 / 75

69. The function key for sales invoice

70 / 75

70. The shortest key for displaying a full preview of drawing or graphic

71 / 75

71. Photoshop launched by which company

72 / 75

72. Data folder of a company consists of

73 / 75

73. The name of the areas that include the color swatches , layers and toolbox

74 / 75

74. We can draw / draft an image outside the margin of the document using …………..

75 / 75

75. Those liabilities which are payable with in a year are called

Your score is

The average score is 32%
